This is the genealogical/news page for the James Riley Brown family originating in Dooly County, Georgia, USA. To date, we have only been able to trace his mother, Louanna Elizabeth Dillard (she later married Randall Nipper) and his brothers, Henry Jackson Brown and John Matthew Brown. Recent DNA testing indicates that the brothers are half-brothers. James Riley Brown's Y-DNA points to the PEAVY surname and Henry Jackson and John Matthew Brown's Y-DNA points to the CARLISLE/LISLE surname. (It is not clear as to whether Henry Jackson and John Matthew share the same father - HJB is 2 steps different than JMB - the mutations are possibly after the MRCA of the two descendants' tests.) Autosomal DNA tests indicate that all three brothers are related maternally, i.e. via the James DILLARD/Sarah J WATERS line. Pictured at right is James Riley Brown and his wife, Ursula "Sula" Eucebia Bowen. They were the parents of Henry Albert Brown (our grandfather), Maggie Brown, James William Brown, Stella Mae Brown, Cleveland Crisp Brown and Norman Edward Brown.
James Riley Brown and Ursula Eucebia Bowen |
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