This is the genealogical/news page for the William Bardin Bothwell families originating in Lee County, Georgia, USA. However, we are interested in all Bothwell lines arising from the Rev. David Emanuel Bothwell/Jane Lowther Wright union of County Monaghan, Ireland.
Pictured at right is William Bardin Bothwell and his second wife Mattie Deariso. They were the parents of Bertha Annette Bothwell, Willie Belle Bothwell (our grandmother) and Mattie Ethel "Totsy" Bothwell.
William Bardin Bothwell's first wife was Agnes Rust Atkinson and their child's name was James Shiver Bothwell.
His third wife was Hattie Dennison West and they had four children: Hattie Ruth Bothwell, James Tillman Bothwell, William Bardin Bothwell, Jr. and Dorothy Louise Bothwell.
William Bardin Bothwell and Mattie Deariso |
The current Y haplotype terminal SNP for this family is R-FGC15048. If you wish to view a family tree of the Rev. Dr. David E. Bothwell - please visit the following link: Bothwell Surname SiteThis site is currently under construction - so please bear with us and keep apprised of any changes by viewing the News/Events page.
For registered family members - please click the appropriate surname page. All others should contact the webmaster to gain entry to this site.